

Strong Schools, Strong Communities

uedbet官网伍德是一个全球多元化的社区和公立学区联合起来的地方,在一个包容和支持的环境中提供生活和学习的机会. Partnering with parents and the community to educate all students in a safe, 安全的环境, 的使命 uedbet官网伍德公立学校 is to educate students within an environment committed to excellence, equity, and diversity. 我们的目标是让每个学生掌握并应用成为一个成功的、具有全球竞争力的公民所需的基本技能. Our students and staff model three important Points of Pride in daily routines at Kentwood:

  1. 毅力. 我们的学生有内在的力量和智力能力来迎接和超越生活中的挑战.
  2. Positive relationships and high expectations. Positive relationships provide the support needed to overcome difficult life circumstances. 积极的人际关系提供了满足高期望和解决感觉不可能的力量.
  3. Global schools focused on excellence. 我们在国际舞台上取得成功,因为uedbet官网伍德拥有全球视野,致力于在我们所做的一切中追求卓越.


To educate students within an environment committed to excellence, equity, and diversity


我们通过uedbet官网和东uedbet官网伍德高中提供职业和技术课程. We help students consider and connect with possible careers, build the skills expected in the workplace and learn about options after graduation, 包括大学, technical training or going directly into the workforce. 请参阅下面的“基金分配”,了解增强资金如何使我们扩大这些机会. 

除了, 我们正在让中小学生接触更多的职业,同时扩大课程作业和机会,让学生在进入高中后体验不同的职业. 提供电子资源,让学生探索职业,并帮助他们在高中的职业生涯做好准备.


Strong academics are the basis for all K-12 learning beginning with literacy, 数学, 科学及社会研究. 除了这些领域, we engage students with a wide range of courses including Culinary Arts, 环境科学, African American Literature and College Writing. 学生可以从21门大学先修课程(AP)和多种双入学选择中进行选择. Before and after-school opportunities including Jazz Band, 学生也可以参加竞技体育和俱乐部,如国家艺术荣誉协会和机器人. K-12英语学习者还可以获得认证的英语教师提供的全面的语言支持服务, certified Academic Interventionists or Paraprofessionals. 语言习得教学旨在提高英语学生的学习成绩,确保他们获得与同龄人相同的知识和技能. 新移民中心在小学和初中阶段都有提供,让学生获得更多的教学时间,从而提高他们的语言能力,并在理解通识教育课程的学术内容方面取得进展. EL老师, 通识教育教师和建筑管理人员在支持和维持英语教学计划的教学策略方面获得高质量的专业发展. 我们也有课外机会,从体育和美术到ARCH项目.

2019年秋季新品, 我们与大急流城社区学院和达文波特大学合作开发了一个中等大学项目. 的 East Kentwood Middle College (EKMC) 是一个独特的教育机会,让学生毕业与高中文凭, transferable college credits and an Associate of Arts degree starting in 10th grade. 的 EKMC is designed to prepare students for post secondary study and/or employment.


我们努力帮助学生取得成功,包括聘请最好的员工来帮助他们. 除了, 我们有行为和学术干预专家来帮助那些可能需要额外帮助的学生提高技能. Our Kent Schools Services Network provides families with necessary access to health care, mental health counseling and family outreach centers.


Early childhood is a crucial time in children's lives, 在这段时间里,他们融入周围的世界,学习他们在学校和以后会用到的所有基础知识. Our Great Start Readiness Preschool programs help children prepare for school success. 除了, we offer tuition based pre-school programs and a wide range of tutoring.


How Kentwood is using the funds generated from the enhancement millage:

  • We've expanded our 职业生涯 Tech Education program
    • 2017年8月, 我们增加了2名全职教师,这有助于我们扩大项目以满足学生的需求. 随着入学人数的不断攀升,我们的住宅建设项目继续成为校园里一个受欢迎的项目. 的 program was approved to build an 8 house development in Gaines Township. This would not have been possible without the enhancement millage dollars.
    • 2018年9月,我们 enhanced our "Video Production" curriculum, 提供全面服务的广播室配有最新的设备,允许学生每天制作猎鹰新闻网的现场和远程广播. 除了, we are beginning the development of our Culinary Arts program along with Life Skills classes. 对高中进行小型翻新将允许升级到当前的空间,允许更多的学生和增加课程的选择. Both of these CTE initiatives would not be possible without the enhancement millage.
  • 在K-3阅读法方面,我们增加了三名支持人员,以确保我们为所有K-3学生提供阅读理解和流畅性方面的有意课程. 为了做到这一点, we also added three full time teachers to reduce teacher student ratio or class size.
  • 我们与uedbet官网学校服务网络(KSSN)合作,为uedbet官网伍德的各个学校提供支持服务. KSSN将健康和人类服务带入学校大楼,为学生和家庭服务. This idea is called a "community school." Placing services at school removes many barriers that families have, and helps keep students in class. When students are in class, they can keep learning and achieving. 由于这项改善计划,我们今年能够增加两所新学校,并计划在未来增加更多.
  • 我们与密歇根公民教育中心(MCCE)合作,增加了一个“青年行动营”。. 这个暑期项目对uedbet官网伍德的中学生来说是很有帮助的,可以反映公民和法律相关教育的最佳实践,并提供相关的经验, 严格的, and connected to real life experiences. 

Enhancement millage dollars

Kentwood has received the following enhancement millage dollars:

  • 2017-18 amount received - $1,934,367.28
  • 2018-19 amount received - $2,087,023.49
  • 2019-20 amount received - $2,194,143.93
  • 2020-21 amount received - $2,307,661.13
  • 2021-22 amount received - $2,405,641.91
  • 2022-23 amount expected - $2,583,073.35

Strong School Strong Communities logo


uedbet官网伍德公立学校, together with the parents and the community, will educate all students in a safe, 安全的环境. We are committed to excellence, equity, and diversity in education. Our goal is for each student to master and apply the essential skills to be successful, 高效的公民.




积极的人际关系和高期望:积极的人际关系提供克服困难生活环境所需的支持.  积极的人际关系提供了满足高期望和解决感觉不可能的力量.  


负责人, Kevin Polston
